The only way a java agent can start after VM startup is if its loaded using the Java Attach API
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How to develop JMX MBean in 5 minutes
- Create a class named say Abc.
- To expose it as MBean, create an interface AbcMBean.
- Abc should now implement AbcMBean.
- Get information with getMethodName() methods
- Set information with setMethodName() methods
- Register the MBean class separately: ClassName(), new ObjectName(”com.taragana:name=NameofService”));
That’s it!
JADE – Java Agent Frameowork – Free chapter from the book:
Rules for publishing with JMX
To publish with JMX, for each base name (alpha in this case), you are allowed only- One getter with form getAlpha() OR one getter with form boolean isAlpha() OR one operation of any form.
- One setter with one argument (i.e. setAlpha(x)).
Some of these rules are enforced and some are not. To minimize chances of obsolescence, follow all of these rules.
How to create javadoc for Java sources:
javadoc -link https://arjun/docs/java/api/ -d docs -package -author -windowtitle “Taragana Inc” -footer “Generated by Taragana Inc” -sourcepath . -subpackages com.sun