Gaea Times Micro Blog


  • 11:21:31 pm on February 25, 2010 | # |

    Dream Gadget by a To-Be Journalist- The following is an actual essay submitted by a B.Tech Engineer aspiring to be a Tech. Journalist:


    The demand from technology never ends.Human mind always promotes new inventions and most of them are for their easy facilities. I remember when once without preparing for the physics parer i entered the examination hall. Sitting inside i felt nothing not be worst than this one in my life. I felt bad when everyone filled up their papers n thought of anything even some magic that could help me.I then dreamt of a wrist watch. It was like that the topper will wear a watch n likewise me too. The watch was such a gadget that whatever answer the topper thought, will be be visible in my watch and then even without preparing i could top my exams. But soon i realised my dream was a fantacy and the only thing i could do is to work hard n be sincere for my studies to be the topper.

    Today when the technology is emerging in a such a large variety,i sometimes imagine if my dream gadget could really exist. In present era, brain mapping,brain computer interface etc. is easily possible with the help of advance technology. With the use of chip placed inside the brain, the computer senses the instructions and let know about the person’s thought. Moreover watches with all different funky facilities are available in the market with the help of the same advance technology. Scientists may find this realistic and then who knows my dream gadget “The TOPPER’S WATCH” may really exist.

    Although it is inspired from the idea of cheating but i suppose it to be beneficial in field of security, medical etc.But for students i am sure that they will not be able to wear any kind of watch inside the exam hall. The watch could have additional features like it could be optional to access internet facilities,to be used for text and multimedia messages etc.

    As we all know that security is a never ending battle. Hackers may find some sophisticated techniques to bypass the sensors in watch n may display some wrong and misleading datas. This may be one of the threat to the watch. Concluding with the fact that “The toppers watch ” does not exist but i still hope to see my dream gadget in real.

    The sad part is that the said engineer saw this post and wanted to know why he wasn’t recruited. Is basic sense of morality and ethics too much to ask for?


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